10, How many days can a rat survive on just water? After 30+ years of aerosol spraying, the results are finally showing up on the ground. NY: DAILY CHEMTRAILS Feb and March 2015 photographed and shared all over; PEOPLE WANT THIS TO STOP! its is mind control chemicals. How could a supposed operation of this proportion go on for decades and nobody pop out of the woodwork with indisputable proof that it is happening?? I saw this story about people who have fibers growing out of their skin but initially thought it was an internet hoax. My conclusion was that the entire upper troposphere contains what can only be described as synthetic clouds that have been introduced by aircraft. and microwaves work in conjunction with the chemtrails. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Small trees and slash (tops and branches) are typically piled and burned, scattered to decompose (applicable on moist sites), chipped or ground (masticated) onsite, or sold for biomass fuel. Its imperative that you reproduce any of these observations, should you care or dare to see how bad the air really is, but few if any seem to give a shit about anything anymore, another neurological observation of real real concern. All a part of the eugenics program and the fascist empire. Anthracnose, a tree fungus, can cause ash trees to lose their leaves early. Prestodoodoo is more than likely a internet government troll being paid to spread misinformation and create doubt in the minds of those still on the fence. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. The trees and animals are also dying. The stuff then A man at the counter became interested and looked at my photos. But its still inside too. We also have more holes in the ozone layer caused by HAARP ionizing the upper atmosphere. Geoengineering programs are destroying the planet's life support systems, trees are dying around the globe. Ive already said too much. Demoralized citizens have become increasingly ill and angered, not only by the aerosol project itself, but by the arrogance of those who do whatever they please, the consequences be damned. I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. Likewise, over-watered leaves can turn yellow and fall off. All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), How many days did it take to notice changes in the rats? The growth of mold structures in my bugers ( and most likely yours) is a real real concern, the most probable suspect is a weaponized fusarium fungus. How many healthy children were irradiated, in many cases to death, but parents were told its an experimental ring worm treatment? The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. At Shelter and Food For Everyone we have the solutions however the powers that are in control have paid TRILLIONS & planned this? Chemtrails are creating holes in the ozone layer and enabling the Ultra Violet rays through pass through the atmosphere which are proving to be very harmful for the beings on earth. Whether this chemical burn look comes from the tree drinking One. Bengel,1735 Thomas Pyle,1729 Th. Oh wait it already happened at Waco (watch rules of engagement, the true story of Waco!) including the plant life. You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. Problem reaction solution, and no doubt this is not the only problem this is causing.. Con being short for condensation. It looks like solar burning or freezing, but it is actually chemtrail damage. It doesnt get any more sinister than that. Also recently, an FAA official confirmed in a taped interview with freelance radio reporter S. T. Brendt that he was told on four occasions in March to re-route commercial air traffic to accommodate a huge military aerial operation over the northeastern seaboard. Originally my chemtrail photograph project started after observing a rather large cloud completely disassemble into a powder of sorts and blow visibly away on the breeze in minutes and observed by my co-worker as well. Some elements of the exhaust gasses are not involved in contrail formation but do constitute air pollution. Black-tailed gnatcatchers, loggerhead shrike, verdin, Bewick's wren and many other species use the trees for cover year round. Children used to ask why is the sky blue? Soon, they will be asking why it is always white like cotton. Remember when I mentioned going cross country? You wouldnt !!! Our societies function only with plenty of people working and acting for the Matrix. removal from the atmosphere and lessens the amount of oxygen created for us. He said indeed the spraying was quite toxic and he had been present at a confrontation by I believe the Navaho nation and the EPA The EPA contended everything was ok until the Navahos presented their evidence to the contrary which was quite compelling. Trees harvested during thinning may be sold as logs if they are still in good condition, or used for firewood. In the same jar Fred grew, a few dozen morgellons fibers had clumped together and at one time Fred got tangled in them pretty good. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. The din from the bees could be heard inside. Why? And dont say the government, because if you do, then which government, and what people in that government, what organizations, and where does its funding come from? It is spread by a tiny aphid-like bug called the Asian citrus psyllid. None, almost to the point of starvation. When youre looking at contrails from the ground, youre seeing the results of aircraft flying at 30,000+. Why.Bless, G.I. The Temporal Power of the Pope is obvious, Cardinal Egan sitting before his two puppet Candidates. Both of these are important in the formation of contrails. The U.S. Forest Service said fir trees are dying at a higher rate than normal because of prolonged drought conditions and bark beetles. Imagine how fast it would evaporate at six times that. Dying Trees By all appearances, plant life is purposely being slowly killed by way of blocking the sun, depriving them of water or flooding them through weather control, and by way of carbon sequestratiion. And I love dogs. Ive not known Natural Society to be a big conspiracy site. I mentioned this observation to a co-worker and he told me his wife, an accountant for years, said she all of a sudden was having trouble with normal math during that same period and said he too had forgotten things more than usual. Which by the way, has been hard to observe chem-trails because of heavy unusual cloud cover (with little rain-here anyway). Live a Nautical Lifestyle. 1033. These Con-cowards also invariably report that NOAA, the Air Force and the Department of Health and Human Services deny knowledge and responsibility for unusual aerosol activity. It remains possible that we may all be incapable to respond to any threat, though thats no excuse. These are just a few. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. How many people were fired for failing to defend the US on 9-11? You can be assured that the chemtrails you see in the sky are real and not your typical contrail. 6 to 10 at least (read the back, its poison, call them). 7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs to Reduce Stress, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVD9IUO9Ftk, Guyabano Health Benefits - Revealing Medicinal Properties of an Exotic Fruit, Meet the Man Called 'Crazy' by Doctors who Cured his Own Colon Cancer, The Natural Benefits of Papaya Leaf Extract, THE Organic Non-GMO Cookbook & Shopping Guide (E-Book). Developed By, Why Less Than 1% Of Obese Individuals Will Reach Normal Weight, Study Links GMOs to over 22 Different Diseases, Exposure to Toxic Perfluorinated Compounds in Womb Linked to Low Birth Weight & Future Obesity, 5 Important Vitamin Combinations for Optimum Health, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? We have lived, breathed and drank plastic residues now for so long, its become part of our bodys composition. It has to do with steady state and particle density for plasma beam propagation. (6500 ft elev.) Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click DORway for further info. My true observations of people now believes the govt could start shooting people in broad daylight and people would just go about their business without intervention or condemnation. This chemical is increasing body and environmental electrical capacities, providing the dc current for these synthetic organisms to self-assemble. I showed him Fred, the thing that grew along with a smaller one of the same. As for me, my nose runs a lot, my ears ring now constantly and my vision in one eye has become a little blurry, my joints ache, etc. In the last year however Ive observed and photographed an extraordinary sheen around the sun, which indicates a saturation level has been achieved, and the spraying now is infrequent by comparison I.E. Why are you being vague?? Take a look at Skyvector.com and look up the High Altitude Chart for any city. or artificial intelligence, but to what extent is unknown. Geoengineering must be stopped before it kills all of our forests and we can no longer grow food crops in the soil. Remy Van Lierde: The Belgian WWII Ace Who Encountered a 50 Feet Long Snake? They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. No.they must be spraying (even though there are NO spray nozzles on the aircraft) chemicals in the air, because as every good conspiracy theorist who believes everything they read on the internet knows, the internet is pure truth and there are never any such things as internet hoaxes. Sometimes you need the precision of a fighter aircraft instead of the large, broad brush approach of a heavy. Chemtrails. Support Veteran Journalism . What does that mean? It was about the size of 1/20 pin head and like the Fred things was surrounded with the tan coloring stuff of Fred. It appears prestodo, you have missed the whole point of the story. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. I started to see what I saw on the net, and was called Morgellons fibers. In 1991, Hughes Aircraft Company obtained patent US5003186, a method for seeding the greenhouse gas layer with tiny particles which include oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide. The patent states that one proposed solution to global warming was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.. The 1996 Air Force document titled Weather as a Force Multiplier, declares, In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. So dead grasses, dandelions, plants, weakened trees, beetles move in. Ezekiel Cheever,1757 Aaron Burr, Sr.,1767 Isaac Backus,1774 Samuel Langdon,1788 Benjamin Gale,1793 Samuel Hopkins,1794 Samuel Osgood,1794 William Linn-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of RomeBiblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Periodd. Segmented silicone nano tubes and nano feathers (see Cliff Carnicoms carnicom.com photos and work), always Morgellons fibers etc. 1st place Whats it now? Trees are absolutely vital to human and animal life; they provide shelter, shade, clean air, and also keep soil from eroding. I dont have access to scientific grade distilled water however. Spend a few hours proving anything youve been told to believe. Hapless populations sprayed continually with these substances are bound to exhibit symptoms of neurological damage and chronic illness. The only way to treat a chemtrail overdose is to do the following: Feel better now? Perhaps independent studies void of governmental duress, threats, manipulations, would show this with soil, water, and ring samples. Non-electrolysis synthetic model organism: In the month of May I went fishing at Hawley lake on the reservation. So many people are completely blind to the die off. Project Cloverleaf Chemtrails and their Purpose Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. An unusual chemical smell was in the air, that was noticed by others as well, that smelled like a pesticide. How many pigs (one of the most acute smell sensory animals) would eat GM corn when given a choice? Chaff looks like snow but it's actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. Now, I Got a hit on your article, so thought I'd drop a comment. My bugers may somehow be the cause. At this point I realized I needed, cameras as no one would believe any of this, All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click, 6 to 10 at least (read the back, its poison, call them). If this continues, we will follow. Just using a strong flashlight pointed upward at night and looking into the focused beam of light prove that we are living in a virtual bath of what research by others suggests is an exotic form of barium, aluminum and God knows what else, but I cannot afford complete testing myself (see carnicom.com barium test confirmed). A time that is usually spent with family and friends, feasting . To fully understand this research first go to carnicom.com and review all his morgellons work, especially the videos, then go to silentsuperbug.com and watch the two videos posted there, listen to the audio files on Rense.com and review my photos. I have trees dying in my front yard and back yard. How many de-classified US documents of experiments on populations with chemical and/or bio. Suppress Coughs by Coating the Throat inChocolate? It has to be extremely cold (-40 C), so the altitude that cons happen can change from day to day based on weather patterns. You have been to many funerals and there is always the thought that one day you will be in a casket. A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation. your ignorance and asshole treatment of people trying to stop the insanity. With the fire risk hovering over Queensland \u0026 of course other parts of Australia, THIS INFORMATION IS CRITICAL. to recover and about 3 months later a Doctor named Patricia Doyle called the Rense program with the same exact story (type in amnesiacs). I measure my voltage constantly by just wetting my fingers and squeezing the probes. See all the above. On the east coast growing up, chem trails would start after each jet passed over, usually north and south, in the mornings with clear skies. So, if we can help it, well either fly above or below the con levels (assuming other mission planning factors arent applicable) to minimize where the enemy sees us. Maybe you should be concerned. Think of the dispersion/evaporation rates of something released over 6 miles up in the air. If you have received this, Im sorry and may God bless you. 100 Josephus,c. The dead trees in the Idaho and Wyoming forests is just mind blowing to see..Millions of them. I was, still am, quite concerned. The apple trees are not the only trees with this chemical burn look. I regret now having discovered all this, as I was much happier (though concerned/confused about all my neurological observations above) not knowing all this stuff, as it has completely disrupted my life, but its my hope that maybe a cure will be found (by accident maybe) by perhaps someone who gets this. In the tactical world, thats bad. The recent article of an air grab study in Phoenix titled chemtrails shocking Phoenix air quality study proves or vindicates my work and discoveries. Either way the compelling forces are much bigger than you. During X-mas, store clerks would take money and forget immediately what it was for, or stumbled trying to count change continually. What do you think happens when you stick a .5 watt microwave cell phone next to your 70% water 30% cholesterol brain with about 2-4% of some type of exotic metal flowing through it, micro-sparks would be a good guess. That the chemicals removed by me, found in our air / blood, water and urine is providing an enriched environment for the accelerated growth of these synthetic model organisms. eric. 165 Justin Martyr,c. I told him I could prove without any shadow of a reasonable doubt that we are currently under not just chemical attack but also biological (synthetic). Please. When most of them die in WWIII they will think it is the other ones faults. (watch documentary endgame). What youre seeing are persistent contrails. Anyone who needs to prove any of this to themselves needs only a half decent microscope at least 40x-100x and spider webs (or their own bugers or blood). [Meta] Sticky Comment. Adams County, Ohio, offers the site of the Great Serpent Mount, considered by archaeologists and historians to be the most dynamic and mysterious effigy mount in the United States. The tree started the year perfectly - and began to bloom. 1st place Whats it now? 1331 Michael of Cesena,c. Do you still believe them? Ok, so maybe YOU dont do chemtrails, but how can you know it doesnt happen? I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. At any rate I set up another testing station and decided to run this one for two weeks and not electrolyze the water. Its been like a splinter in my mind . Why the voltage thing is so important: Ive observed in my jars that were electrolyzed that the growth of what Ive learned are called synthetic model organisms (or artificial life forms) is greatly enhanced and increased. The purest form of science is observation and after hundreds of hours of observations I can say without hesitation: Houston we have a problem !!. I then tried acupuncture and chlorella detox but had to stop as I could taste my fillings thanks to the mercury in them. I panicked a little but drove to work anyway kind of stunned. I have been verifying Cliff Carnicoms carnicom.com work for years and his blood observations (6 communications 03-07-08) is a mustread now. Thats right, folks. This indicates the abnormal presence of barium salts. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. The US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. 1412 John Huss,c. There is no physical evidence of chemtrails. Too little or too much water. Think again for your survival and most importantly others. His explanation was caught on audio tape and played for radio listeners all over the Western Hemisphere. of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. Aside from the creating of droughts and floods, the aerosols have been blocking the sun. always after a couple of days of rain that they worsen and the leaves look as if they've been burnt. With that said, have you. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that the effluent contained both aluminum and barium. How could we be so blind see all the above, its been by design. I can now scarcely bring . I thought it first a parlor trick until I electrolyzed the stuff and looked with a microscope at the water after treatment I noticed immediately I could smell and taste again much better, but now the air left a metallic taste in my mouth which took about 3 weeks to go away, presumably because I was re-acclimating to the air. Personally I have problems with the theory of Chemtrails and similar machinations. Using spectroscopy and pH tests to prove his hypothesis, Carnicom warned that his findings have major implications for both the chemistry and biology of the nation and the globe. Carnicom also shrewdly discovered that in 1997, U.S. officials altered national visibility standards, indicating anticipation of an aircraft aerosol operation to be conducted over large geographic regions. There are many causes for declining pine tree health. Woot! Where is the proof? While chemtrails are mostly done using secret pods on large aircraft, I have been spraying chemtrails in fighters for over ten years now. This creature / thing has no discernable biology as we know it and appears made of perhaps silicone only. What you are seeing is CONtrails. I have discovered more verifiable completed nano tech things in spider webs than anywhere else. trees dying from chemtrailsbuddy miles them changes lyrics. The EPA then closed up its books and left without another word. It (3d morg) started off looking like a Fred thing but had an odd looking black seed-like thing with odd small spikes sticking out. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields.
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