Learn about how New Roads, Station 7, and the Rural Program work together to help homeless youth in Lane County. I demanded certain information back, and it actually was information concerning the time travel issue, because they were still trying to be You know, they were still reticent about informing me as to what the real nature of the situation was as late as 2001. / MALHOTRAS HOLE IN ONE. Im all for grand technology. K: OK. Re: The Looking Glass Project --- Event #1 --- April 18, 2021. There are cycles involved, short as well as long term cycles. Looking Glass is an open source application that allows the use of a KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) configured for VGA PCI Pass-through without an attached physical monitor, keyboard or mouse. 17-Apr-2022. Well, its like knowing how the game plays out means you can play to your advantage ahead of time in making sure that that eventuality will occur. Some of the information was recopied in Sumerian cylinder seals. Looking Glass Art Project 656 West 9th St. Erie, PA 16502 (814)450-9183 The lessons will include oral histories of the men and women who served, artifact displays, and lesson plans so the thousands of youth that visit the museum annually will learn about one of the most important missions in American history. India brokered early on with Indira when Indira Gandhi was brokering the Committee of the Majority between the United States and the Soviet Union because the Soviets were threatening to start their own treaty system up with the extra terrestrials, which would have become untenable. D: I think that its fair to say that we can assume that they had access to the information from it. But youre saying theres no doubt whatsoever that all this technology has been decommissioned. That was during the early years. You keep doing this over and over and next thing you know, you have the ability to reach the literal peak of technology possible. Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19! D: It accesses it and somehow works, from what I understand, not in parallel, but almost like piggybacks, on the energy of the natural Stargate, yeah. The whole treaty system, the situations involving the treaties, their outcomes, the actual potential for both Timeline #1 and Timeline #2 outcomes. They would likely not know a quantum computer if they hit it with their truck while distracted by scratching their fleas. Before tapping her, who was the first female to ever set in the 12, I got a chance to look at certain documents and look through certain archives in Washington, DC prior to going across to the continent and meeting with some folks and telling them basically I wasnt interested in their offers. I remember reading something about the White hats took the device from the cabal and the cabal only knew the future until 2010 or something like that But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Groups of children divided up into groups of around five and ten. And I got a chance to tap who ended up being the last MJ-9 prior to the adjournment. Looking Glass Technology Device using wormhole technology to see into future probability or past. And I will say this. Your email address will not be published. Our benefits include: Medical Dental Vision Paid Time Off Life Insurance Long Term Disability401k Retirement Plan Employee Assistance Program. The next part identifies supposed overlap of Looking Glass with other clandestine elite tech projects. It was something that we called the Cube or the Yellow Disc. Sorry Dan that I believe would be worthwhile &then the wealth NWO steals from world can be used to advance humanity &technology to go forth in the universe =preempts the earth overpopulation crisis Looking Glass would seem to be a good tool to determine stargate projects ?!? Some of the information was recopied in Sumerian cylinder seals. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. And information that I have directly from one of the formerly seated members was in fact that we were aware (but this was Looking Glass technology, not the Cube) . So Bill, the question youre asking: First of all, you mentioned Will Uhouse. And it was right around that same time that Lotus was actually kicking into fore, the May 31st, 2001 event that took my prosaic project and basically threw it in the garbage can and it turned into what it is now, this project that it is now. Of course I have no idea I have no idea where the item may be, but I do know this: Im happy that they cant find it. After demonstrating an early version to Sun executives, he was assigned to it full-time with a dedicated team and open sourced the project. We have worked with New Americans, Seniors, Children in low income communities, Colleges and Universities, Government agencies, local municipalities and neighborhood organizations whose missions align with our vision of Equality, Equity, and Inclusion. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. I was objecting to its use, but still to provide . She and I [gesturing toward Marcia] had a more than a small dustup out at Frenchman Mountain over this very same thing, which actually resulted in me walking alone down Lake Mead back toward Las Vegas, with she and I yelling and screaming at each other along the roadside. I helped open a stargate on October 31st of this year. You know, like a kaleidoscope, a real kaleidoscope, the way you would turn and twist and focus and each time you get a different design. http://www.pirateplanet.com/nm/small/Bandelier_Ruins_2.jpg. I totally understand. D: [nods head yes] As of about 2017 I would expect that probably that all of these little pieces of equipment will probably all get reassembled, yeah. OK, but the Looking Glass can show you the future. click the link below to sign up for your scan , Im at my friend limit via fb. Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell: OF-9: Dan is referring to the Omicron Phi 9 Treaty System, the Treaty System not involving the P-45ks, and the Tau 9 or T9 Treaty System involving all parties including the P-45ks. But it sounds like youre working with almost like a kaleidoscope effect. This whistle-blower claimed to have had contact with a device for viewing the future via machinery and consciousness. Although now free of A.I agents control after the Mirror Entities deletion the individual will remain in a compromised state due to back-up nano-technology. One technique became popular by Apple's Dashboard widgets is configuration of an application (widget) by flipping its visual and performing updates on the backside of it. The issue is with every choice . K: OK. Its actually Its freely available on the net to be read and it talks about something very similar to that. Why dont they just live their lives? There were several attempts in the late 1970s, and 1980s, to bring the Integratron, the Time Viewer, aka Project Looking Glass, into the public, but none of these repeats of the idea gained traction. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. This is possible through the use of a shared memory segment which enables extremely high throughput low latency guest to host communication. Their fathers or Grandfathers would have been the original Nazis that travelled in the U-boats from the motherland after WW2. But I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes, so in fact the Yellow Book, the Cube, was used for that purpose. This device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. No. . I've heard stories of poor fools going on there without authorization just browsing and ending up on the weird part of YouTube hours later as if it were the regular Internet. It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. This is where Q's reference to "Project Looking Glass" becomes very significant. [8]Windows 7 implements a feature for window selection that hides other windows than the one that the user placed the mouse cursor on a thumbnail above the taskbar. K: You could freeze them, right? That is, until in the 1990s, with the appearance of Project Camelot, and Kerry Cassidy. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. Election Update & Countdown with Guest Ex-CIA Robert Steele & Dr. Sharnael, Essential Oils Tips, Recipes and Testimonials From Essential Oil Users, https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000807500042-9.pdf, https://www.facebook.com/sharnael.wolverton, Online Facebook Classes and Memberships by: Dr Sharnael, Terms, Conditions, Privacy, Shipping and FAQ. It was thought this was an early experiment at creating an invincible soldier. They were handing this Cube around from country to country, to the elitists in the countries, to look into their own futures so that they could pick the best paths for themselves. NO. Look, weve got the technology here. D: Well, there was a highest-probability year for it. K: Uhouse saw the original Looking Glass. Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Dead black ops soldiers were supposedly found with Walkmans and cassette tapes in the 80s. They always get smaller, no matter what. So, unless you were well prepared to deal with such a thing, human interaction and human emotions bring instability of the provenance of the information. We didnt realize that it was actually that it was the son you were saying who had access to that technology. He is precisely speaking about the Omicron Phi 9-8 Treaty gathering scheduled for 2009, and the Tau 9-7 FINAL Treaty gathering scheduled for 2012. So theres also our Henry Deacon contacts that deal with the black box that came on one of the craft. K: Interesting. Learn how Looking Glass programs have adapted and persevered during trying times. Most of the problems associated with such bogus memes as Project Looking Glass arise from the poor education prevalent in modern times about real Science & Technology. (this video class is there too, please share with whoever you choose), Many researches have discovered by different paths that very weak electric current eliminates parasites. Order here! STEW PETERS ~ 4CHAN UNCOVERS W.H.O.S VACCINE SCRIPT EVERYTHING YOU HEAR IS SCRIPTED, ITS ALL A LIE, CONSPIRACY FACTS. Actually I used that to our advantage at the T-9 because that in fact was present at the T-9 and I projected certain information which caused a little upset during the meeting. (2021) Unchained Truth Sleuth From three different whistleblowers Time distillation, time distortion Project Aquarius (Majestic 12) cylinder seals, instructions for accessing wormholes Could "peek" through time pre-dating Sumerian seals from Iraq, Egypt, etc. A lot of it started being gathered up back in the '80s. From what I understand, you can miss dates by a day or two and it won't hurt anything, but specific events will play out on their own. Movies, music, books, pictures, videos, websites, social media profiles, stock market data, and news articles. And its my best guess that theyll probably order just enough ameliorative steps to be taken where it levels off where the higher latitudes probably dont lose their crops, where you find the majority of the rich countries. D: Well, from the best I understand (and I was speaking with Bill just a little while about it, a little while ago), the rings and the amount of information via energy which is passed into it. D: OK? Youre saying that some other countries, India for one, had access to Looking Glass technology. D: Its a back-engineered device, the Looking Glass is. But its the best scientific equipment that I can imagine for the determining of such a thing. When you first view it, there's a warning about accessing classified information without authorization and the consequences involved. It is now mid-2019 and daily some of us live in terror that civilwar alone will stop world amorality&lawlessness,heinous crimes against innocents, and purge the horror sharia law culture cult from the planet, and end 3rd world exploitation whereby the empowered defraud USA of Aid$ for their poor which elite keep then herd the poor and criminal-antisocial undesirables illegally into USA whereby US poor are more deprived than most poor in rest of poor nations-per UN,&USA society regresses into substandard ignorances to accommodate uneducables legally or illegally immigrated into USAsoon US A cant help itself and collapses under the eeight of it all or civilwar to purge the mess and restore USA society. Project Looking Glass is supposedly a classified time travel and future prediction regime at Area 51, Area S4 Nevada at Nellis Air Force Base. Your email address will not be published. The plan is for me to infiltrate the crime scene in Reading and London at my young age and assassinate black/african/jamican etc underworld crime figures. They way I understand it, is that it's done this way because there is a certain fluidity to time and it's not so much about exact dates, but the actual event itself. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. Were looking at a low probability of the higher catastrophic portion of the events occurring. K: Is there an interface with a computer to get these read-outs , D: Yes. D: He saw one of the original Looking Glasses demonstrated. K: OK. Thats what went on with the black boxes, then. Lots of their language betrays the same intent as we get from the climate change freak-out agendagoing to the idea that humans are responsible & that we must change things. As the timelines converge as the end of 2012 approaches, it would mean that the different kinds of lesson paths for people to learn about duality are . But isnt that funny? I havent. 4) The Mirror Entity will periodically take possession of the individuals body. So, in other words, if there were only If there were 50 man-made devices accessing, they would be accessing a corresponding 50 natural energy vortexes. Now Im not saying thats the total cause. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. The people in the past get these plans, then work on them again and improve upon them. One aspect of it is a massive archive of the Internet from the future. Why do they need a little black box to tell them when to jump and how to jump? Since the Looking Glass project was first announced back in 2017 the project has grown enormously thanks to the efforts of those in this community and others. There was supposedly also efforts made to send video cameras forward through the device to glean information on what was to take place. BGP Looking Glass Database. So, as I understand, it disappeared. So this is interesting because it sounds like Chielah was instrumental in getting you to have greater access to intelligence about what the Looking Glass and MJ12 . I was prepared to do so but I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes. Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. Thats right on it. is like a fully formed person that is integrated and bonded to their partner beyond the comprehension of a normal relationship between a Human and another Human. Clif High: The Great Takeover Plot of the 21st Century, Why Are Healthy People Dying Suddenly Since 2021? K: They were able to pinpoint in the Looking Glass the very highest probability for those things to occur . Hillary thought she would win but . K: OK. And are you at liberty to say what other countries had access to that?
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