More specifically speaking, topography aids in changing precipitation and temperature. ; Wang, L.-C.; Li, Q.-G.; Yan, C.-X. Some nonlinear relations are reported in table 1 with their corresponding R2 and P-values which include: P (P, NOx-F) with mean slope (R2=0.624, P=0.001), P (P, PO43-F) with P-manure with (R2=0.624, P=0.001), T (T, NO2-F) with N-manure (R2=0.563, P=0.001), T (T, P-F) with P-fertilizer (R2=0.695, P=0.010) and T (T, P-F) with P-manure (R2=0.920, P=0.000). There are several "regions" to Greece- Epirus to the northwest, Thessaly in the northeast, Central Greece in the center, and the Peloponnese, a hand-shaped protrusion, to the South. Multi-point coordinated characteristic development mode. Preliminary results of the characteristics of CEWQ and comparison with other quality indexes (i.e. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. G01296001). The terrain is high in the south and west, and low in the north and east, forming a topography of two mountains sandwiched by a plain [, This study uses an urban flow model and dominant flow analysis to study the industrial connection path and urban function connection of the urban agglomeration at the municipal level, as well as the gravity model and social network analysis to analyze the spatial characteristics of the economic network at the county level, and analyzes the dynamic evolution of the economic connection network from multiple perspectives (, The urban flow model calculates the factor flow intensity in the economic agglomeration and diffusion activities between cities to reflect the ability of cities to communicate with the outside world. From the perspective of economic flow, combined with the intensity of urban flow and the revised gravity model, the specific industrial connection path at the municipal level and the economic spatial connection network between counties and cities within the urban agglomeration are clarified, which compensates for the deficiencies of the research scale of a single county or urban area and the specific industrial connection path. The Greeks were able to establish colonies in far-away places in the Mediterranean. The impact of mean slope on water chemistry varies due to the physical characteristics of the sub-watershed, which includes surficial geology, land use, morphological variables and surficial debris [51, 52]. DOC exhibits variability in space, which may be due to the complex effects of climatic drivers on DOC, i.e. We evaluated the developed models and found many useful relationship patterns between socio-economic factors, topographic factors and CEWQ parameters, including water temperature, turbidity, DO, DOC, P-parameters and N-parameters. Do topographic maps indicate changes in elevation? The socio-economic data are derived from the Statistical Yearbook of the Cities of Hexi Corridor Urban Agglomeration in 2001, 2011, and 2021; the Gansu Development Yearbook; the China County Statistical Yearbook; the China City Statistical Yearbook, and the CSMAR Economic Geographic Database. Transportation, warehousing, and postal services; 7. wholesale and retail trade; 8. finance industry; 9. real estate industry; 10. education; 11. health, social insurance, and social welfare; 12. culture, sports, and entertainment; 13. scientific research, technical services, and geological survey; 14. accommodation and catering industry; 15. information transmission, computer, service, and software industries; 16. leasing and commercial services; 17. water, environmental, and public utility management; 18. residential services, repairs, and other services, The proportion of the value added by the secondary industry in GDP, The proportion of the value added by the tertiary industry in GDP, Per capita savings balance at the end of the year, Transportation, warehousing, and postal industry added value, Science, education, culture and health services, Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, Health, social insurance, and social welfare, Electricity, gas, and water production and supply industries, Scientific research, technical services, and geological surveys, Transportation, warehousing, and postal services, Information transmission, computers, services, and software, Water conservancy, environment, and public facilities management, Resident services, repairs, and other services. In the development process, the region must have unbalanced economic relations. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. Air expands as it rises, and the fewer gas moleculesincluding nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxidehave fewer chances to bump into each other. The response of PO43-F and PO43-UF to temperature is inelastic and relatively elastic, and site specific [28]. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Certain ocean currents have differenet temperatures. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, 2. It is of great significance to strengthen the urban connection in the Hexi Corridor and give full play to the overall competitive advantage. Landforms The landforms of a particular area dictate the nature Abstract. The majority of them are also nutrients leading to eutrophication. The CONCOR algorithm in the UCINET software was used to identify the more cohesive subgroups in the network. How was citizenship connected to the Greek polis? GDP is positively related with T (T, P-F). Additional support was provided by the Southern University of Science and Technology (No. Based on the model, when topography over the selected region (KTU) is reduced to 25%, the mean rainfall (temperature) over east Africa is reduced (increased) by about 19% Water sources and the availability of utilities are part of the topography and affect the use of the land. The industrial functional complementarity index of the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration is shown in. The implementation of major national strategies, such as the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, the ecological protection and restoration of the Qilian Mountains, the Western Grand Tourism Loop, and the construction of Silk Road tourism destinations, has significantly improved the ecological management level in the Hexi Corridor region, and cultural and tourism industry integration development. All variables data was available at basin scale except the GDP and runoff coefficients. The current study is based on 43 water quality monitoring sites with long-term water quality time series based on 1239years of monthly observations. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). Altitude or height above sea level - Locations at a higher altitude have colder temperatures. Global distribution of temperature elasticity on five main water quality indexes. Economic Network and Economic growth of Urban Agglomeration: A Study based on Big data and network analysis method. Water heats and cools more slowly than landmasses. In india where badland topography is commonly found? Women in Sparta, for instance, maintained slightly more power than their contemporaries in Athens. Elevation has positive sign for T (T, PO43-F), which may be due to several reasons: high air temperature fuels the consumption of water for domestic purposes; high elevation is concerned with an enhanced rate of erosion, which favors the entry of particulate matter into waterbodies [18, 19, 33], and mineralization of organic matter, which releases P from deeper sediments stimulated by elevated water temperatures and biological activities [54]. Another large economic contribution comes from caves used for religious and health care purposes (Cigna and Forti, 2013). 4. several techniques or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise updates on the latest The results showed that socio-economic and topographic factors threaten the stability of CEWQ parameters and we should focus on alleviating the problem of instability by modulating nutrient runoff fueled by socio-economic and topographic variables to control eutrophication in surface waters. Country level GDP data were assigned to their corresponding watershed. Wei, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, S.; Sono, D.; Xiu, C. Urban positionality in the regional urban network: Through the lens of alter-based centrality and national-local perspectives. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. A water pollution control plan should be designed based on both the primary and secondary factors that cause the instability of precipitation elasticity of water quality parameters. ; visualization, X.X. Closeness centrality (CC) measures the proximity of a citys contact distance. ; Gao, S.; Wang, Y.-Q. Topography (the arrangement of natural and human-made physical features of an area) is one feature which affects human population growth. ; software, X.X. 2023; 12(2):274. Moreover, construction activities are higher in urban areas, which increases P-enriched soil erosion via land runoff [63]. This paper analyzes the industrial functional connection of the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration through the urban flow intensity and industrial functional complementarity index, calculates the economic connection intensity based on the revised gravity model, and uses social network analysis to explore the evolution of the economic network structure, drawing the following conclusions. Spatial Structure of urban Agglomerations Based on the perspective of flow space: A case study of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration. Zheng, B.-M.; Liu, A.-L.; Han, J.-L.; Ming, Q.-Z. The dataset was not truncated when one station has more years of data than the other stations since elasticity depends upon the median value and captures the overall characteristics as well as being due to the unmanaged water quality data collection. The runoff coefficient of the sub-watershed is positively linked with P (P, P-F) and P (P, turbidity) while negatively associated with P (P, NH4+-F). This would explain the marked contrast between the city-states of Sparta and Athens. The Greeks utilized the seas around their land to great advantage. Revisions:1 Development can be defined as improving the welfare of a society through appropriate social, political, and economic conditions. Previous research has shown that higher DOC concentration is the combined effect of climatic drivers and variations in the chemistry of atmospheric deposition of DOC [4750]. (3) The economic network has a greater agglomeration effect than diffusion effect, with prominent grouping characteristics, forming a network structure of one man, three vices, and many nodes and a significant spatial proximity effect. Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. The Mycenaeans, for example, ruled over much of the Peloponnese, while other mainland groups had control over northern Greece. Topographical features like mountains affect the weather mostly in the way that they direct air currents. The topography of an area can influence the weather and climate. While they all share mountains as a basic geographic characteristic, they also have differences. If an area is close to a body of water it tends to make milder climates. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Topography Affects Rain and SnowfallAs air rises, it also cools. affect farming. v. t. e. Economic geography is the subfield of human geography which studies economic activity and factors affecting them. The processes that create topography are usually geologic in nature; e.g. Liu, S.; Wang, Y.; Yang, P.; Chevallier, J.; Xiao, Q. Spatial correlation effects of the economic value of green infrastructure (EVGI) on social network: Evidence from China. Elevation. shape of the land (known as 'relief' or 'topography'). The tertiary industry has evolved into a multi-center and multi-axis interactive pattern. Furthermore, the relative location of terrestrial factors (land cover and landscape variables) at basin scale is also important as stream water showed more sensitivity to nearby pollution sources as compared to distant sources [78]. The five factors that determine the weather of any land area are: the amount of solar energy received because of latitude; the area's elevation or proximity to mountains; nearness to large bodies of water and relative temperatures of land and water; the number of such storm systems as cyclones, hurricanes, and Topographic barriers such as mountains and hills force prevailing winds up and over their slopes. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta. Dai, J.-C.; Xie, F.; Na, K.-P. Research the characteristics of the urban information flow network along the Grand Canal based on the Baidu Index. HSCJ201607). ; Liu, Y.-F.; Xu, S. Urban connection and function analysis of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle based on multi-dimensional urban factor flow. Large bodies of water, such as oceans, seas and large lakes, can affect the climate of an area. The fact that the soil of Greece is rocky had a lot of economic implications. 41771130. By which act dyarchy was introduced in india? Watershed planners can take guidance on scenario analysis to introduce novel planning policy to modulate non-point source pollution originating from primary and secondary determinants. The delineated sub-watersheds were used for data extraction, which will be used as explanatory variables in regression models. It is concluded from the above discussion that, in comparison to precipitation elasticity, socio-economic and topographic factors cause instability in the temperature elasticity of water quality parameters in both climatic classes. How does topography affect soil formation? Statistical approaches were mainly used to investigate the strength and significance of how the climate sensitivity of water quality is relative to watershed and regional characteristics. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Motions of the Earth: ; funding acquisition, P.S. prior to publication. College of Geography and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China, Gansu Engineering Research Center of Land Utilization and Comprehension Consolidation, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China. Factor # 1. Jinchang and Wuwei, located in the eastern section of the Hexi Corridor, fail to play a prominent driving role in connection with the tertiary industry. There is a Wind and air masses. 51509061), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. Extractive industry; 3. manufacturing industry; 4. electricity, gas, and water production and supply industries; 5. construction, 6. This type of Note: useful relationship patterns are marked as under the water quality parameter. Latitude. "Dynamic Evolution and Collaborative Development Model of Urban Agglomeration in Hexi Corridor from the Perspective of Economic Flow" Land 12, no. The topography of an area also helps determine the climate. Elevated water temperature enhances the release of P due to mineralization of organic matter [54, 65], which is transported to surface waters due to higher elevation accompanied by a steep slope [18] or it may be a consequence of increased human activity because the mean elevation is positively linked with the watershed area [66]. Liu, W.; Cao, Y.; Wu, W.; Guo, J. Spatial impact analysis of trans-Yangtze highway fixed links: A case study of the Yangtze River Delta, China. Article metric data becomes available approximately 24 hours after publication online. Liu, H.-Y. Climate change can impact water ecosystems by changing the water quality via different biochemical processes [1, 2]. This is your one-stop encyclopedia that has numerous frequently asked questions answered. Streamflow sensitivity to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27], which sweeps fertilizers to waterbodies in the vicinity. In the current study, we evaluated how the site-specific socio-economic and watershed topographic factors impact the response strength and direction of river water quality to climate factors at a global scale. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Social development-Because political structures and economic structures varied from city-state to city-state, we also see different social structures emerging throughout Ancient Greece. This may be a consequence of the higher urbanization and industrialization favored by higher economic growth [62, 68]. Some points should be mentioned. Population density has a positive coefficient for P (P, NO3-F), which may be due to lawn fertilization in urban areas, which drains NO3-F to enrich surface waters [59, 79]. Greece's geographical location gave it a very advantageous position for trading. Spatial and temporal evolution of oasis-type urban spatial interaction in Hexi Corridor. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. These water quality parameters are the most common and important, and are richly monitored on a global scale. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. An economic tie network-structure analysis of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Changjiang River based on SNA. ; Liang, C.-B. Latitude. Similarly, Chen and Lu (2014) found that the mean slope and elevation have a negative correlation with water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, COD, TN, NO3-N, dissolved phosphorus and TP, and a positive correlation with dissolved oxygen (DO) [18]. Finally, combined with the functional positioning of the Hexi Corridor, this paper proposes a coordinated and integrated development mode of economic space featuring interconnection, interaction, and complementarity among cities within the region, so as to provide a scientific reference for the improvement of the efficiency of resource allocation in urban agglomerations, enhancing the internal economic connectivity of underdeveloped urban agglomerations along the Belt and Road, and promoting the high-quality development of regional integration. How did the Greeks contribute to democracy? Learn More . Geography plays a substantial role in the development and success of an economy. Historically, economies near ports and travel routes grew rapidly and were sustained by constant commerce in the area. From the cities on the Silk Road to ports on the Mississippi River, geography helped bring money and goods to a local area. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure. Regional industrial development mainly depended on the radiation drive of cities with apparent advantages. Moist air will cool as it rises, and then the clouds release the water, causing precipitation like rain or snow. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents. Table 1. Research on the Influence of a High-Speed Railway on the Spatial Structure of the Western Urban Agglomeration Based on Fractal TheoryTaking the ChengduChongqing Urban Agglomeration as an Example. Population density is negatively linked with T (T, DOC), T (T, PO43-F) and T (T, PO43-UF). Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. However, few studies have reported that increased deviations of slope enhance the pollutant concentration in surface waters [19, 20]. Generally, Greece is very mountainous. 2023. Thirdly, precision farming technique may decrease the P-fertilizer concentration in surface waters [56]. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. The most important geographical and topographical features of Greece were its mountainous terrain and its placement as a peninsula in the Mediterranean. Secondly, the spatial instability consequences of CEWQ at global scale are identified. Motions of the Earth 2. This means that coastal locations tend to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places inland at the same latitude and altitude. Its location was protected by the Apennine mountain range to the east and the Alps to the extreme north. The possibility of economic exchange and industrial transfer is more significant in the subgroup, which is conducive to guiding the regional economys benign development from the whole networks perspective. Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Old-Growth Forests in Urban Nature Reserves: Balancing Risks for Visitors and Biodiversity Protection in Warsaw, Poland, Analysis of Interrelations Structure in Agro-Systems Using the Factor Analysis Technique (FA),,, 1. If you live in the mountains, you're likely to develop a particular culture that adapts to life at a high altitude. geoparks. Linear and non-linear relationships between topography and socio-economic characteristics, and CEWQ. This point, and the ecology and management implications are discussed at the end of the paper. This created regionalism, meaning different cities developed separately of one another. Some studies have confirmed that temperature is the most important controlling agent for other factors such as precipitation, catchment size on soil erosion and subsequently sediment flux [72, 74]. Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. There are serious concerns that water quality impairment (fecal indicator bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorous) due to livestock grazing on public lands threatens human and ecological health [23, 24]. Water quality records were obtained from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS)/Water ( apart from for the MurrayDarling River in Australia ( and X.X. A protocol assesses the planned transport network infrastructure. A negative sign of the GDP coefficient for T (T, NO3-F) suggests that GDP is the driving force for decreasing the concentration of NO3-F, which may be due to a precision farming approach, which reduces irrigation tailwater discharges from agricultural lands [56, 57, 7071]. It can also be considered a subfield or method in economics. What was the Importance/significance of Theatre in Ancient Greek society? The Spartans had hundreds of thousands of helots, slaves, that were the backbone of Spartan economy. RIS. HDI is calculated by the United Nations. ; Zhang, X.-B. Screened for originality? Development dynamics emerging country example (case study) Connectivity Improved The greater the proximity to the center, the higher the proximity to other cities, and the less affected the city is by other nodes during the connection.
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