DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service TITLES and SECTION NUMBERS UNCLAS Unclassified 2) Restricted Data CVP Citizenship Verification Procedures HC Health Canada OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System AIS 1) Automated Information System(s) RCT Response Coordination Team GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations 2) Computer-Assisted Design UTC 1) Unit Type Code LFD Letter of Final Determination IST-A Incident Support Team - Advance Element CBL 1) Commercial Bill of Lading UHF Ultra High Frequency NFSC Narcotics Financing Strategy Center EWAC Emergency Worker and Assistance Center WRM War Reserve Material SBD Smart Border Declaration TFL Task Force Leader IBD Improvised Biological Device ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation IFTP Internet Forensic Training Program ANAD Anniston Army Depot AGS Aviation Group Supervisor DSP Disaster Support Package MMRS Metropolitan Medical Response System CICAD Center for Intelligence Collection Analysis and Dissemination 2) Congregate Care TARS Tethered Aerostat Radar System BRT Business Round Table 2) Life Support Center PUREX Plutonium Uranium Extraction NAMRI Naval Medical Research Institute SEVIS Student and Exchange Visitor Information System 2) Community Rating System ESF 12 Energy MCV Mobile Coordinating Vehicle HCF Height Correction Factor 3) Public Service Announcement ERW Enhanced Radiation Weapon 2) Agency Logistics Center 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) MG/M3 Milligrams per Cubic Meter. LLP Limited Liability Partnership 2) Comprehensive Emergency Management COL 1) Colonel IMU Inertial Measurement Unit QD Quantity/Distance DCA 1) Defense Ammunition Center DARCOM Development And Readiness Command 2) Emergency Medical System [or Service(s)] 2) Records Management REACT Radio Emergency Assistance (or associated) Communications Team PBRB Program Budget Review Board JMFU Joint METOC Forecast Unit Find out what is the full meaning of REHAB on Abbreviations.com! ESAP Energy Security and Assurance Program ILS Integrated Logistics Support FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation [ESF-13] REP 1) Radiological Emergency Preparedness 3) Employee Assistance Program BW Biological Warfare/Weapons PRS Primary Receiving Site 3) Epidemiological Intelligence Service GPMRC Global Patient Movement Requirements Center 2) Critical Review Phase SPE 1) Skill Performance Evaluation Click to reveal 2) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program 2) National Security Council IAEM International Association of Emergency Managers GPS Global Positioning System DII Defense Information Infrastructure 18 popular meanings of REHAB abbreviation: 34 Categories. NFI National Flood Insurance NDEP National Digital Elevation Program 406 ( 5172) Repair, Restoration, and Replacement of Damaged Facilities NE 1) Northeast Medical Charting Symbols And Definitions. IFR 1) Instrument Flight Rules DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System 3) Cluster Bomb FNARS FEMA National Radio System 10-13 rehabilitation is particularly beneficial FDL Forensic Documents Laboratory SERT 1) Secretary's Emergency Response Team (DHHS) SAM Surface to Air Missile (affiliated with BTS/TSA) NRIS National Resource Information System EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program IC 1) Incident Command/Commander AEOD Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data PAR 1) Performance & Accountability Report NAWAS/BCC National Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller PCC Policy Coordinating Committee CPAV Community Program Assistance Visit ODBC Open Database Connectivity FED - TRT Federal Tactical Response Team ERT-N National Emergency Response Team GPM gallons per minute NCSSA National Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy WEE Western Equine Encephalitis RADNUC Radiological/ Nuclear Enforcement 2) Explosive Ordnance Disposal RS 1) Regional Summary OIA Office of International Affairs 2) Program of Instruction MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team ZONE D Area in which flood hazards are undetermined MPU 1) Microprocessor Unit MRIC Mobile Reconstruction Information Center LEH Light Enforcement Helicopter 2) Compact Disc WHO World Health Organization ARAA Advanced Radiological Accident Assessment You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. IAI International Association for Identifications FDO Flight Deck Officer FTP File Transfer Protocol MDT Mountain Daylight Time (GMT - 6) DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction VISTA Volunteers In Service To America 4) Regional Office 2) Investigator in Charge DODD Department of Defense Directive 2) State or Security Operations Center 2) Emergency Action Procedures 2) Sheriff's Office FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. EOE Equal Opportunity Employer Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64ce4cedefce EAL Emergency Action Level STEP State Tribal Education Program 2) Foundation Data GFE Government-Furnished Equipment FIRM-DLG Flood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph CIDCON Civil Defense Condition APSRS Aerial Photography Summary Record System SC 1) Section Chief IMS 1) Incident Management System DLA Defense Logistics Agency 5) Network Operations Center TAPS Trans-Alaska Pipeline System NRT 1) National Response Team DFRN Disaster Federal Register Notice NRCSSC Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist CSBG Community Services Block Grant NCCG National Civilian Community Group 2) Simplified Acquisition Threshold NSC 1) National Safety Council MSIC Missile & Space Intelligence Center DOM Disaster Operations Manual NAOC National Airborne Operations Center NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center SAC 1) Special Agency in Charge ASSET Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology SEUS Snow Estimation and Updating System 2) Radiological IAIP Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection [DHS Directorate] CNS 1) Central Nervous System 2) Top Secret REDCAP Readiness and Capability Exercise 3) Crisis Management Coordinator GeoTIFF Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format NAFSMA National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies IBHS Institute for Business and Home Safety BoO Base of Operations CAPA Coalition of Airline Pilot Association RTF-W Response Task Force - West NTSB National Transportation Safety Board GMR Graduated Mobilization Response EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grants TIPS Terrorist Information and Prevention System EPPC Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council ISTS Institute for Security Technology Studies SLPA Sea Level Pressure Anomaly AGL Above Ground Level HSPCD Historic Shoreline Positional Change Database ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ACDA [US] Arms Control and Disarmament Agency FEMA Publications 3) Protective Action Recommendation TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act TCS 1) (Standard Flood Hazard) Tracking and Correspondence System LTR Long Term Recovery 4) Federal Response Center FAM Federal Air Marshal 3) Receive-Only LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area ITM Inspection Transfer Manager IAP Incident Action Plan NMJIC National Military Joint Intelligence Center 3) Intensive Care Unit RVT Remote Video Terminal 2) Help Line 3) Security Through Advanced Research & Technology (NY State Program) 2) Lump Sum SOR Statement of Requirement AML ARC Macro Language SECC State Emergency Coordination Center 3) Rescue Coordination Center 2) Deputy Chief of Staff EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance 3) Remedial Action Manager MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support/System FPI Floodplain Information Report 2) Federal Preparedness Circular JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research DMA 1) Defense Mapping Agency ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center DH Disaster Housing DRU 1) Direct Reporting Unit CBN 1) Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment ANS 1) Alert and Notification System OC Operations Center APP Application or Applicant TA 1) Table of Allowances 2) Master of Ceremonies CBQRF Chemical-Biological Quick Response Force SBIR Small Business Innovation Research BLS Basic Life Support SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake DHUD Department of Housing and Urban Development (also HUD) 2) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research 2) All-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype 4) Community Information System eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency CERT 1) Community Emergency Response Team CIF 1) Central Information File HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector 2) Non-Industrial Facility CSHIB Chemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board M-ZONE High Mudflow Hazard Area 2) Noncombatant Evacuation Operation SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act EMIS Emergency Management Information System SATO Scheduled Airline Ticket Office 2) Immediate Needs Funding CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee CONOPS Concept of Operations FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FSO Free Space Optics COMINT Communications Intelligence FESC Federal Emergency Support Coordinator DOH Department of Health CAM 1) Chemical Agent Monitor NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 AMTOR Amateur Telegraphy Over Radio DEPER Deployed Personnel Report 10 0 obj << /Length 11 0 R /Filter /LZWDecode >> stream 2) Disaster Safety Officer 3) Request for Allocation Advice DLG Digital Line Graph DPW Department of Public Works AEGL Acute Exposure Guidelines Level CEQ Council on Environmental Quality DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency 3) Chief of Police CAMS Continuous Air Monitoring System ESDRB Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch IOS International Organization for Standardization R/h Roentgens per hour 2) Federal Training Coordinator AMO Air and Marine Operations VAX Virtual Address Extension DECD Department of Economic and Community Development DCE 1) Defense Coordinating Element 2) Information Collection AAPA American Association of Port Authorities GIS Geographic Information System(s) VS Victim Support VFD Volunteer Fire Department DOLP Disaster Operations Leadership Program Your IP: NACS NEMIS Access Control System CM 1) Cadre Manager BIA 1) Board of Immigration Appeals LOMA Letter of Map Amendment EEM Exercise Evaluation Methodology 419 ( 5186) Emergency Public Transportation RIAT Rapid Impact Assessment Team DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer ICD 1) Improvised Chemical Device IDE Intrusion Detection Equipment [see IDS] Call Now: 866.812.8231. SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group LOMC Letter of Map Change DIR 1) Director WRDA Water Resources Development Act ABC 1) American Baptist Churches ESF 15 External Affairs OSD 1) Office of the Secretary of Defense IICT Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism LM Logistics Management HMAC Hazardous Materials Advisory Council JMIP Joint Military Intelligence Program MCA Multichannel Analyzer NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority DCAC Demilitarization Chemical Agent Concentrator FBO Fixed Base Operator PI Project Inspector RCM Radar-Coded Message UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees EOF 1) Emergency Operations/Operating Facility Sort. CINDI 1) Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information AADR Age-Adjusted Death Rate PAC 1) Political Action Committee 320 ( 5163) Limitation on Use of Sliding Scales NET No Earlier Than LE Law Enforcement NASNA National Association of 9-1-1 Administrators JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System RDO 1) Radiological Defense Officer NTC-MW National Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather MAS Mapping Activity Statement DGN Design (File) DRF 1) Disaster Relief Fund DCM Deputy Chief of Mission RAIC Resident Agent in Charge TBM Temporary Bench Mark STA Special Temporary Authority 701 ( 5201) Authority to Prescribe Rules and Accept Gifts TRAC2ES TRANSCOM's Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System READI Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute 2) Concept Based Requirement System Psychiatrist Yokosuka, Japan. DIAO Deputy Individual Assistance Officer 2) Limited English Proficiency PUDA Pueblo Depot Activity DTSA Defense Technical Security Agency DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team NARP Nuclear Accident Response Plan (or Procedures) ABNCP Airborne Command Post AMF Alternative Morgue Facility 2) Association of General Contractors 2) Regional Operations Support Team JTA Jacksonville Transportation Authority MRRS MERS Response Reporting System IGPT Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team HPT Health Physics Technician HARN High Accuracy Reference Network 3) Agency Collection Officer EBR Endogenous Biological Regulators Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. RPC Regional Preparedness Committee (obsolete) TWIC Transportation Workers Identification Credential ATSA Aviation and Transportation Security Act EWC Emergency Worker Center D/A Departments and Agencies TITLE V Emergency Assistance Programs ACPSEM Advisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers MOX Mixed-Oxide Fuels CICG Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group CERES California Environmental Resources Evaluation System MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide CFR Code of Federal Regulations WRIST Weather Radar Identification of Severe Thunderstorms ANPSC Alternate National Processing Service Center SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System ACAA Air Carrier Association for Americans SAFE TEA Safer, Accountable, Flexible Transportation Efficiency Act (affiliated with USCG) k kilo LIDEF Levee Inventory Data Entry Form NOEL No Observed Effects Level USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command TISP The Infrastructure Security Partnership SIP 1) Shelter-In-Place MUF Materials Unaccounted For 2) Mental Health HEICS Hospital Emergency Incident Command System CMT Crisis Management Team 3) Institute of Chemical Defense DPP 1) Disaster Processing Procedures For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. FAA 1) Federal Aviation Administration ARM Aerial Radiological Monitor 2) Electric Service Priority TAVISS Targeted Violence Information Sharing System 2) Initial Response Team 2) Nuclear Radiological Advisory Team ICWW Intracoastal Waterway NLETS National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System UV Ultraviolet PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion ABO Agents of Biological Origin SECDHS Secretary, Department of Homeland Security NTS 1) National Traffic System 413 ( 5180) Food Commodities DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System CZM Coastal Zone Management Rate it: I. CLOMR Conditional Letter of Map Revision OUC Orlando Utilities Company . 309 ( 5152) Use and Coordination of Relief Organizations OMNCS Office of the Manager, National Communications System ETIS Emergency Traffic Information System FAIR 1) Fair Access to Insurance Requirements CMO Civil Military Operations BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team) 416 ( 5183) Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training 2) Integrated Exploitation Capability LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit 3) Automated Export System AEW Airborne Early Warning AF 1) Acre Feet . NRS National Response System DSCA Defense Support to Civil Authority HA Housing Assistance NSMP National Strong-Motion Program DDOS Distributed Denial of Service cpm counts per minute 3) Major Subordinate Command CFO 1) Chief Financial Officer SOB Souls On Board BPM Basic Property Management 3) Delegation of Procurement Authority ETS Evacuation Time Study JOC Joint Operations Center PRT Planning and Response Team 2) Information and Planning CBRT Chemical-Biological Response Team ACGIH American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List OI Office of Investigations POLREP Pollution Report E.O. Intelligence Fusion (Integrator) Governmental Military. MNUSS Map Needs Update Support System 3) Configuration Management FEMA Meaning Abbreviations Common. NIRT Nuclear Incident Response Team BPO Blanket Purchase Order OPT Operations and Planning Team SUMA Supply Management TH 1) Temporary Housing EXORD Execution Order OIM Office of Incident Management NP 1) National Preparedness AMC 1) Air Mobility Command FF Firefighter CIPB Critical Infrastructure Protection Board ANOC Association of National Olympic Committees GM Guidance Memorandum SAFECOM 1) Safe Community (DHS program) OMB Office of Management and Budget SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information EOC 1) Emergency Operating Center/Emergency Operations Center AST Aboveground Storage Tank 5) Purchase Officer COC 1) Combat Operations Center NEG National Emergency Grant 2) International Energy Agency DPMU Disaster/Deployable Portable Morgue Unit CISM Critical Incident Stress Management 4) Approval Authority 2) Emergency Operations Software TTT Train-the-Trainer DCWDB Direction, Control, and Warning Database 3) Radiological Monitor SMS Short Message Service FC 1) Fire Control CAAP Critical Asset Assurance Program 2) Authority to Participate FEMAAR Federal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Regulation JMRO Joint Medical Regulating Office MEL Mobile-Erector Launcher 3) Crisis Counseling Program SHO State Health Officer DNR Department of Natural Resources EER Eligible Existing Resources D2PC An Army computer dispersion modeling capability 3) Field Team Coordinator CBCF Cross Border Crime Forum 2) Commander BBS Bulletin Board System 2) State Coordinator 2) State Administrative Plan AA 1) Affirmative Action DTIC Defense Technical Information Center PCIIMS PCII Management System ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations 2) Direct-Reading Dosimeter PEOC President's Emergency Operations Center AQI Agricultural Quarantine Inspections BIT 1) Building Inventory Tool RIID Radiation Isotope Identifier Device LOG Logistics MATTS Mobile Air Transportable Telecommunications System 2) Special Use Airspace UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission 3) Intelligence Control Center CTP Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative) 2) Service Delivery Point SG Surgeon General FasT Field Assessment Team JAARS Joint After-Action Reporting System SIMCELL Simulation Cell NaI(Tl) Sodium Iodide Doped with Thallium (scintillator) ISAO Information Sharing and Analysis Organization ELO Environmental Liaison Officer QRS Quick Response System GPRA Government Performance and Results Act USPHS United States Public Health Service 2) Space Coast Area Transit (Florida) 2) Volunteer Incentive Program NIMTO Not In My Term of Office HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9) 3) Remote Sensing Team EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory HHA High Hazard Area NPL National Priorities List SWS Severe Weather Statement VRP Vessel Response Plan FWS (U.S.) Fish and Wildlife Service RAWN Radar Wind Sounding 3) Mountain Standard Time (GMT - 7) DLL Dynamic-Link Library(ies) HALE High Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE) Links for the "definition" of the acronym are available for those included in our Glossary, as well as direct links to the websites of other agencies. ATRAP Air Transportable RADIAC Package BOR Bureau of Reclamation SWIS Satellite Weather Information System SAAM Special Airlift Assignment Mission FPL Florida Power & Light Acronyms APB Acquisition Program Baseline NRAT 1) National Radiological Advisory Team ICP 1) Incident Command Post A&FM Aviation and Fire Management 628 ( 5197g) Federal Bureau of Investigation SLEP State and Local Exercise Program LOEP Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness COOP Continuity of Operations AMTI Applied Marine Technology, Inc. MMST Metropolitan Medical Strike Team MIC 1) Media Information Center AMB Air & Marine Branch ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources NCSL National Council of State Legislators FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement SPIRIT Security, Planning, and Integrated Resources for Information Technology IF Inland Fetch (Line) 2) Interim Operating Facility JCAH Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals PBSIS Public Building Service Information System CVS Combined Verification Section 2) Regional Field Office SDO 1) Staff Duty Officer 2) Fire Suppression Assistance ENR Environmental and Natural Resources LOC 1) Letter of Credit 2) Department of Conservation PACOM U.S. Pacific Command ERV Emergency Response Vehicle ASA (IL & E) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation, Logistics, and Environment) COGO Coordinate Geometry BIDS Biological Integrated Detection System 502 ( 5192) Federal Emergency Assistance CBEK Compendium of Basic Exercise Knowledge AGCA Associated General Contractors of America ARIP Accidental Release Information Program 2) Computer Numerical Control TRACEM Thermal, Radioactive, Asphyxiation, Chemical, Etiological, and Mechanical 2) Crime Scene Unit GMT Greenwich Mean Time (aka ZULU Time) OHRM Office of Human Resources Management ESP 1) Early Site Permit 2) Reconsideration AIATP Antiterrorism Intelligence Awareness Training Program FHWA Federal Highway Administration An authoritative overview of the management and treatment of major trauma patients In the newly revised, and substantially expanded, Fifth Edition of ABC of Major Trauma, an eminent team of leading trauma specialists delivers a comprehensive, up-to-date, referenced overview of the emergency treatment of patients suffering from major trauma. AFGE American Federation of Government Employees v volt DRT Disaster Response Team (NIMA) LWOP Leave Without Pay TCC 1) Telecommunications Center FMDC Flood Map Distribution Center METAR Meteorological Aviation Report 3) Division of Emergency Services ESF 14 Long-term Community Recovery and Mitigation SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health PTR Property Transfer Report HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area 2) National Infrastructure Advisory Council ACT FAST Agent Characteristics Toxicity - First Aid and Special Treatment ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response RMS Root Mean Square OCOG Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games TITLE II Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Assistance 2) metric ton HRD Human Resources Division EHM Earthquake Hazard Mitigation BTCP 1) Biological Terrorism Contingency Plan NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Is involved in community/civic health matters/projects as appropriate. TVTA Threat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment MDF Medical, Dental, and Funeral SIOC Strategic Information (or Intelligence) and Operations Center NGRS National Geodetic Reference System 3) Association of American Railroads NIER National Industrial Equipment Reserve 2) National Security Directive IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee PSWN Public Safety Wireless Network 304 ( 5147) Reimbursement 2) Reference Standard Time SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan HAI Human Affairs International 3) Allied Communications Publication RTM Regional Training Manager RFI 1) Radio Frequency Interference VHF Very High Frequency There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. WCATWC West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center lbf pound force IBDS Integrated Biological Detection System 2) Domain Name Server DACS Deportable Alien Control System (replaced by ERM) VRC Volunteer Reception Center FAO 1) Federal Approving Officer (or Official) COP 1) Common Operating Picture NECC National Emergency Coordination Center (obsolete; see NRCC) EEGL Emergency Exposure Guidance Level CEOS Committee on Earth-Orbiting Satellites STC 1) Satellite Teleregistration Center FMV Fair Market Value MRP 1) Machine readable passport T !IP>B7Ip S4##JHP!U`"TK Z-C*rT@*1B1f6xP"Y1#: k90`17`;a#8=2)r_6o|\!FE+7 4>cX2S7"9e(Agsf?$7Aj"M`9 2HW+mc#$f;JDf:&3. HSUS The Humane Society of the United States NIP National Immunization Program EART Evening Advisory Risk Threat PNOV Preliminary Notice of Violation 3) Presidential Reserve Call-up NACo National Association of Counties INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici DCAS Document Control and Accountability System FEMA - Definition by AcronymAttic Tweet What does FEMA stand for? 3) Division of Emergency Management USFA United States Fire Administration ESF 01 Transportation 2023. TOA 1) Time of Arrival NADO National Association of Development Organizations SONS Spill of National Significance DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center USACBDC United States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command RENC Regional Emergency Notification Center 2) Crisis Management Center RD 1) Regional Director 2) Training Support Brigade km kilometer 2) Small Business Administration NPMA National Property Management Association 2) Disaster Communications Equipment Click to reveal 2) Chemical Agent RECP Regional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner 2) Office of Aircraft Services 2) Nuclear Surety Inspection CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read-Only Memory SAMP Special Area Management Plan mRem millirem PWR 1) Power For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined ULF Ultra Low Frequency DSEA Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 ESF 13 Public Safety and Security DRG 1) Digital Raster Graphic NIMG National Interagency Mobilization Guide PVA Port Vulnerability Assessment FAE Fuel Air Explosives NERT National Emergency Response Team PFOR Principal Federal Official's Representative MICS Monitoring Information on Contracted Studies (System) FM 1) Financial Management 2) Preferred Risk Policy 2) Primary Entry Point NBACC National Biosecurity Analysis and Countermeasures Center 2) Evacuation Liaison Team 405 ( 5171) Federal Facilities IAW In accordance with ADO Airport District Office List of Acronyms SLG 101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning (9/96) page ACR-3 OSC OSHA PA PAZ PBA On-Scene Coordinator U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration public address Protective Action Zone GLPAC Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee LCM Life Cycle Management SN Serial Number CRI Cities Readiness Initiative NDAC Network Design and Analysis Center DRC Disaster Recovery Center EENET Emergency Education Network (at NETC) SAV 1) Site Assist Visit (affiliated with IAIP) 2) Duplication of Benefits NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System (obsolete; replaced by GCCS)
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