in my appraisal document. I work for a law firm. Martin the Capital: does it mean there are more than one capital? 1) There was a call about a man whos sick named Paul. If the name comes at the end of the sentence, the comma precedes the name: Stop jumping on the beds, boys. We hope this helps. John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, has introduced. Example: Harvey, my friend, loves animals. If we consider my older brother like a nonessential phrase so we need to put a comma after it. Or the first has gone through the processes, and only the second must be applied for prior to adoption, to then be continued without obtaining an allocation. My grammar is admittedly very weak, but everyone tells me that the document this comes from is well written. I will refer back to this post when I use appositives. Hi, my name is John and this podcast, Me & My Friends is my attempt to learn from and elevate the voices of people who have had, are having a major impact on my life. You do not need to wrap the friend's name in commas unless that friend is your only friend. Pop Quiz Add commas if needed. Your example is basically invalid because of that. Here is my question. You must log in or register to reply here. The best guidance we can find on this is to add s only to the appositive, as you have done, and also drop the comma that would normally follow the appositive phrase. Here are some erroneous uses of punctuation with appositives: 1. SoundCloud My Friend John. I would not assume that John was your only friend with sentence 1. . If the name only provides a name for the person or thing, but the previous description has already homed all the way in on them or it, the identifier is inessential: go ahead and separate with commas. My brother, John, . Regarding your version #2, apparently CGEL (one of the resources recommended by this sub) also has a similar exampleI don't own it (can't afford it) but found a part of it reproduced in, which I'm reproducing here: A supplementation consisting of one NP as anchor and another as supplement may likewise have either multiple or single marking: i [the Prime Minister's, Mr Howard's,] tax package -- [multiple marking], ii [the Prime Minister, Mr Howard's] tax package -- [single marking]. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks. There are a few exceptions and they're mostly family relations. An appositive is a word or phrase that refers to the same idea as another word or phrase in proximity. We recommend avoiding the double possessive. The number one seed, Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, Toronto Blue Jays. Another grammar site says that noun clauses used as appositives are surrounded with commas, like this: The problem, that you did not pick up the packages, delays the entire production schedule. Explanation: Harvey is a precise identifier. ): The dog barked at a cat, and the cat ran up a tree. Therefore the comma after uses is unnecessary. In accordance with our Rule 2 of Colons, the colon is not needed. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. What is the point of a comma? B. Is a comma after the word and always necessary? The name Janice is essential to the meaning of the word friend, since she is not their only friend. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. I need to put a comma after the subordinate clause. But also, perhaps, correct not to use the commas? The dependent phrase preceding it must be followed by a comma. The FratellisAlbum: Here We StandSong: 01 My Friend JohnYear: 2008Type: Indie "My sister Jane is a pain." It would be advisable to rewrite the sentence to avoid this quandary: The first question on the application was, Where do you see yourself in five years? It made her panic. Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble. You are using an out of date browser. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Is there something incorrect or that otherwise needs improvement in my answer that warrants these downvotes? My question is does this sentence say that both any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and was legally and formally applied for BOTH must be done prior to adoption of this ordinance, in order to be continued without obtaining an allocation. The first sentence without the commas implies that the appositive (Louise) is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to (sister). I had a brother named Jim and a sister named Mary. Rule: When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. The one you saw is my close friend, John. I have been struggling with this sentence. When couples divorce, the women and men are generally referred to as ex-wives or ex-husbands, respectively. This may be a matter of authors interpretation, but we would not enclose the phrase in commas. For example, which sentence below displays correct punctuation? It doesn't really matter, though; any other . Its a script of a show were working on. We have to add an appositive. Your clever friend has found an ambiguity that could be avoided with a punctuation adjustment: Our choice has never been more clear. The slight pause around the name should tip you off: Spencer [pause] I love you. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause. And, um, if she is my only sister, there cant be two or more sisters (in this universe, at least). I saw this sentence on a blog discussing conjunctive adverbs.They left out the comma before the conjunction so. You might say "my dog, Rover, likes to chase cats" according to the rule, but if you've got another dog (Rex) that doesn't, the commas become incorrect as the name is important information. It most often shows up in the middle or at the end of a sentence. Please help. (Originally, parentheses were used instead of an appositive.). However, some editors may prefer the second sentence. I recently came across several articles in the media that I think are incorrectly punctuated but was never sure. Therefore, its fine to bend the rule in this case. In this show I get my friend John to experience a piece of media he hasn't seen or heard before! If you're wrapping a full sentence within parentheses, the final punctuation must stay within those parentheses: Correct: John is reckless fool . On the Closing date the Buyer shall transfer the balance of purchase price ($5,125,500) to the Sellers broker bank account, number 13579, at Wells Fargo Bank., Are the commas used in the sentence correct? If Squiggly owns a car, you say, "This is Squiggly's car.". If you have only one sister: I was looking for a new challenge, and the timing was opportune, as the real estate business of my sister, Kate Smith, was expanding., If you have two or more sisters: I was looking for a new challenge, and the timing was opportune, as the real estate business of my sister Kate Smith was expanding.. If youre editing such a sentence, and you dont have details, its best to omit commas. The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high in afternoon trading., I think there should be a comma after January high., The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high, in afternoon trading.. Our Rule 6b of Commas says, Use commas to set off expressions that interrupt the sentence flow (nevertheless, after all, by the way, on the other hand, however, etc. My mother, Mary, took me to see the Spice Girls in concert. It doesn't seem like it. The answer is either two or three, depending on grammatical ambiguity. could you please to tell me if the following is grammatically and stylistically correct? For the less ardent fans who may not understand this topic, to help make it clearer while sounding better, wed switch to descriptive participles instead of using nouns in apposition: The number one-seeded Tampa Bay Rays played the eighth-seeded Toronto Blue Jays. I dont think the comma is required since special guest cannot stand on its own. NO CHANGE. Without further understanding of the context, and simply from a grammatical point of view, we would shorten to: Outdoor amusements means those amusements including fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses. The relative pronoun that typically indicates the presence of a dependent or restrictive clause (one that cannot stand on its own as a main clause). The syntactical situation Im talking about is identifier-name. Hato Island, and its 223 residents, was striked by a tornado. There are several issues with the sentence. Battles by My Friend John . These are the flights that have been cancelled. 'Mary' is inessential--assuming I have only one mother (not always the case I know), then "my mother" is enough to identify who I am speaking about. This sentence very similar with: my older brother Dean cant do it. Its called upcycling, or turning something you would otherwise throw away into a useful item. Therefore, a comma is necessary. You could use commas in that case. If so, what's the difference? Therefore, it should be preceded by a comma. In the second sentence, father is a precise identifier (as long as there is only one person he calls his father). The correct punctuation is without commas, as in your second example. I am wondering if my comma usage is correct in this sentence. If so, the sentence is correct. According to your first answer we need to put comma after nonessential cloud even if it is before essential word. The crux of the sentence is John made his family proud. That sentence can stand on its own. Im leaning towards the last one. However, if possible, we recommend recasting the sentence to something such as: costs anywhere from ten thousand dollars to thirty-five thousand dollars. Example: Our pediatrician, Andr Wilson, was born in California. uses commas to separate a nonrestrictive modifier. Therefore, the ex-wifes name is essential: David had come to the after-party with his ex-wife Lily. I have a question regarding a next sentence: An above average student and talented musician John made his family proud. Jane Jones, Esq., has joined the board of directors. Q. Or does the name not get completely separated? Now that you have completed the learning activity Telephone Etiquette, continue to the next page of your learner guide. Deed from John and wife, Jane to Bob. When "hey" is used in an e-mail or letter salutation E-mail and letter salutations that use greeting expressions rather than adjectives also need to be punctuated with a comma. Where do you think the comma belongs? Our interpretation is that from the arts to athletics is an adjective phrase modifying the noun possibilities. We would not include the commas because they would separate the noun from its modifier, which is not an appositive. Is there a punctuation change for the second. My friend is taking this as a joke, saying that Pence is endorsing Gary Johnson (a bold truth-teller) among three candidates, while I say that even ignoring the obvious context of the statement, the phrase should still be taken as an appositive. When you address someone-hey, you-you're supposed to use a comma. Is a comma required after special guest in the following sentence? Consider "My friend, John and I went shopping". (David married three times, and Lily is his first wife). The entire phrase following Jack is an appositive. Material created by Jane Straus and John Smith, Joe Smith, The Money Company, and Jessica Smooth vs. Scottsdale Cars Inc., John Ford Company, and Joe Smith United Flight Cleaners. In the first example, there is a comma after "thank you," but that is because of the sentence structure, not the phrase. If the formal name of the company is Bob Jones, Architect, it should be capitalized. e.g. In the short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe explores the physical manifestation of guilt. Cannot understand how the DML works in this code. For example: Johns, 18, labrador is white. You use an opens in a new window apostrophe plus an "s" on the end of "Squiggly.". "have been act after act", "has been act after act", "have been acts after acts", Distinguishing Between a Gerund and a Present Participle. Tracey: "But if a word or phrase provides necessary information, information that significantly restricts or limits the meaning of the sentence, do not place commas around it:", I'm generally in favor of the Oxford comma myself. 1. We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. (1) Our Senators, Jorge Torres, first bill was for tax reductions. We are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant, Smith Company, seeking summary judgment., Wee are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant Smith Company seeking summary judgment.. Ranging from Anime, Music, Video Games and Movies. Im sorry; this explanation could have been clearer. Her teacher handed back the papers on time. In the article Saving Penguins thousands of teenagers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. My wife wants me to have an affair with her best friend. Perhaps the document the sentence comes from is well written, but the sentence is not. You can also form a possessive by using the word "of," such as "The Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom." (Of course, you could also . We recommend writing as follows: Restrictive appositive (the topic): My manager created the discussion topic What concerns do you have at work? in my appraisal document. Explanation: Harvey is a precise identifier. I think #1 is correct. The word politician is not a precise identifier. Martin the Captain: does it mean there are more than one captain?. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is correct. Our mission is to connect the world to local artists, and, at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. The story title belongs in quotation marks, but it isnt dialogue. Whether the first example sentence is written Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons, or as Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena and three sons, we could be confused as to whether Brett lives with four people or five, whether Leena is his wife, whether he lives with his three sons or Leenas three sons, etc. A beautiful woman, my wife has learned to graciously accept compliments. The error perhaps derives from confusion with the correct construction Anna May Wong, the Asian American film legend. But as is, the sentence should have no comma. Everest, the worlds highest peak, is 29,028. No commas are necessary. Is this an OK usage of "except in the event"? Explanation: My friend is not a precise identifier because one may have numerous friends. (If It Is At All Possible), Error Sql (1064) creating a function in MariaDB. Can you define this is singular or plural sentence? For example: Martin, the Captain: does it mean there is only one captain? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I think the solution, that he hired a replacement, was the best course of action at the time. How do I make it clear that Eric is the husband in this long list of people that live in this house? I realize that the sentence is perhaps awkwardly constructed, but I still feel that there are clues to the meaning within the word choices. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. The quotation marks were necessary to indicate the exact words of the question Where do you see yourself in five years?. There are several other learning activities so I believe the title is essential. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? She didnt know. I recently watched a news-video which included the sentence One of her top priority issues, an expanded family-leave programme, has failed to gain traction. Explanation: Julie Minsky is a precise identifier so the appositive is surrounded by commas. a. Rule 4: Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). All Right Reserved, 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them), Our weekly newsletter is free (one email per week, on Tuesdays). Here are three possibilities (you can probably construct more): 1. Because he had just got a new job, John had very little free time. Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Without context, it is impossible to know which may have been intended. OR We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as through his nephew, who is a member of our church. Andrews, the dead man, parents were fighting a custody battle. 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