The woman and man sin together (Genesis 3:1-7). Receiving Paul and Silas into her home after they were released from prison and asked to leave town was brave as some in Philippi were angry with the missionaries (cf. The two Greek words used in verses 13 and 14 here are simple words for "speak" in Greek. A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us; whose heart the Lord opened to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul. Cornelius was a Gentile. Paul had made the decision to go west to Europe, and he arrived there in about the year 50, accompanied by Silas, Timothy, and Luke. Through her life, we also see the importance of women in the Bible, a radical idea in the first century AD. After Jesus is crucified, his body is buried, a stone is rolled in front of the tomb, and a Roman guard is placed there. Before leaving Philippi, Paul visited Lydia once more. 1452) Other inscriptions show that some Jewish women were called elders and mothers of synagogues. And it is thought that James and John came from a flourishing fishing business. The fellowship in Philippi was the first European church founded by Paul. Her house became the meeting place of the first European church. Ephesus." Such an approach says that God only does what it profitable, like He is a business that only cares about the bottom line. Further, she was baptized and brought salvation to her entire household, an early example of how to win the souls of those closest to us. See Map of Paul's journeys at end of this page.. [21] Ancient inscriptions survive that show a few women were even called leaders of synagogues. We dont know much about Lydias husband, but we do know it was seen as a good practice for women to remain indoors and attend to household duties. living. I always love reading about women in the Bible who sometimes defied the odds to be in leadership. Jesus, Women, and Theology: Jesus said to her Still, she thrived in the new city, and because of her new placement, God allowed for her journey to coincide with Pauls. Lydia sounds almost exactly like a Proverbs 31 woman a description of a virtuous wife (taught to King Lemuel by his *mother*). Refresh your delight in the Lord through: The book of Acts records eyewitness accounts of the early Church from Christ's resurrection until about A.D. 60. The word "helper" ( 'ezer ), when used of a person in the Old Testament, always refers to God (in 29 places) apart from one reference to David. madison 60 (CC BY-SA 3.0) (Wikimedia Commons). For instance, this article about Lydia is in the Category of Bible Women, but is also tagged with Brave Bible Women. Almost every article Ive ever written, about 400, is posted somewhere on this website. I will use it as resource during a Workshop Ill be facilitating on Leadership Traits/characteristics of Lydia as a church Leader. Luke says "the Lord opened Lydia's heart to believe." This is similar to Luke 24:45; Jesus opens the hearts of his disciples so that they could understand the scripture. She was generous and hospitable, opening her home to traveling ministers and missionaries. Purple and other yarns were used in the curtains of the Tabernacle (Exod. [7] Compare, for example, the lack of descriptive information about the unnamed men and women in the Macedonian cities of Thessalonica and Berea, mentioned in Acts 14:4 and 12, or even about Jason, mentioned in Acts 17:5-9. Thank you, James. Prints of this portrait can be purchasedhere. It was large enough to accommodate Paul and his fellow missionaries (who included Silas, probably Timothy, and perhaps Luke and others) as well as her own household. In those days when a wife lost her husband there was hardly anything she could do to support herself. Ya, I dont think she was a Gentile at all, as your article suggests, however, your article certainly confirmed much of what I was thinking, tho. No one else has a right to bury anyone here. (CII 741; IGR IV. Aristotle believed men had far superior building blocks than that of women. I havent heard that Calvinists think that regeneration comes before salvation. Lydias hospitality and her benefaction of Paul and his ministry required courage. It was in Lydias home that the church at Philippi first gathered (cf. Have a good weekend. She would have been a good person to help organize a church because she knew how to manage people, how to get them to work toward a common goal. The Bible in itself has more mentions of men than women. See footnote 5.). Although composed primarily of those who were poor, the church sent supplies to Paul several times. circumcision. Even after Paul and Silas were arrested, Lydia did not become too afraid to have the Christians meet in her home. Purple was again used in the Temple that Solomon built (2 Chron. After all, the rich young ruler in Luke 18 doesnt receive an explicit name reference. #1 . Tyrian purple, a dye derived from marine molluscs, was especially costly. That was the first internal problem confronted by the early church, and it came out of the culture. Lydia the Purple-Seller. This lead to the conversion of her and her family. Samaritan. [8] Cynthia Westfall, Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostles Vision for Men and Women in Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016), 268. But there were exceptions. Congratulations on your ordination, Constance. Lydia was a region on the west coast of Asia Minor, supposedly named for legendary king Lydos. Thank you for this paper Marg I enjoyed it immensely for devotions this morning. Timothys name inexplicably reappears in Acts 17:14-15 when the missionaries are in Berea. (As an unmarried Gentile woman, she had been prevented by Jewish law from becoming a convert to Judaism.) Acts 16:19-22). That Lydia is names suggests she was a woman who became prominent in the church at Philippi. The girl was most likely demented, epileptic, or emotionally unstable. Photo credit: Unsplash/the_modern_life_mrs. I am preaching a lecture on Women in Acts in the fall and so appreciated this well written, well researched, and passionate look at a women in scripture who I consider so influential, yet one so easily glanced over. (Part 2). These may appear like minor details, but we should note that even important people in the early Church maybe got a verse or two of dedication from Paul. The Samaritan woman gave Jesus well water, but He gave her ______ water. (2021, September 8). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Would you like to support my ministry of encouraging mutuality and equality between men and women in the church and in marriage? Follow him on Twitter: @DavidLimbaugh. First, we can see what thriving in a new culture looks like. Like you, I also believe that we are saved through faith and grace. Your email address will not be published. Lydia no longer lives in Thyatira when Paul meets her, but rather, in the city of Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Deuteronomy 29:4 Having a group of foreign men stay in her house might potentially cause scandal. What does submission in everything mean. She established her business in a foreign country. Maybe you get distracted. God didnt put the Gentiles in a spirit of slumber. Required fields are marked *. But, Paul discusses, referencing the Hebrew scriptures, that the Gentiles will understand, whereas, the Jews wont. Women of the Bible: Lydia, Leader of the Early Church, Understanding the Mystery of the Trinity, Women of the Bible: Priscilla, Co-worker with Paul . Marg, you are such an encouragement to me! First, she shows that honest jobs are not lesser jobs. Crucial to this idea is the fact that the author of Acts, traditionally thought to be Luke, often uses third-person plural they language when writing about Paul and his coworkers, but at other times uses first-person plural we language. Where No One Stands Alone Lisa Marie Presley Duet with Elvis, Bills QB Josh Allen Describes 'Spiritual Awakening' after Hamlin Collapse: 'I Couldn't Deny' It. It is well documented that some Gentiles were attracted to the monotheism and the morality of Judaism. I slipped up once and thought the husband was the accountant and the wife was the assistant, but it was the other way round. He calls himself "of the people of Israel.". While Paul might have preached a little bit, it seems to imply that this was a conversation. This is the story of Lydia in the Bible. how does lydia help paul and the early church. The inscription reads: Rufina, a Jewess synagogue ruler [archisynaggos], built this tomb for her freed slaves and the slaves raised in her household. I dont identify as a Calvinist, but I believe the new birth or regeneration (renewal) that Jesus made possible is essential for salvation. She would have been a good person to help organize a church because she knew how to manage people, how to get them to work toward a common goal. Dear Marg, thanks to God for all those comments. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Calvary.". Its possible to come to church and listen to a sermon and not even hear what is said. Her example of stewardship shows we cannot pay God back for our salvation, but we do have an obligation to support the church and its missionary efforts. Fairchild, Mary. [9] It has been estimated that roughly one-third of the population of the Roman Empire were slaves. When Paul left earth in the end of his life he not only left some church plants, he left the DNA of a movement that would eventually spread to the extent that even the Roman Empire itself would surrender to Christianity (for better or worse). Matthew the tax collector was probably well-to-do. Paul made it his practice to select urban centers along busy highways for his missionary efforts and had great success. [1] Contents Scriptures to Show How Important Grandparents Are. Luke 10:5-7). In the midst of his discourse, one of these women, Lydia, had a . In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul refers to the persecution he experienced in Philippi (1 Thess. Today, many more bishops and scholars, etc, are also acknowledging this. These verses, all in Acts chapter 16, tell us quite a bit about her and the important part she played in the Philippian church. [22] Other women were patrons of synagogues and were prominent and influential in their Jewish communities. Everyone includes Jews and Gentiles. Priscilla and Aquila were also good friends of and ministry partners with Paul (Romans 16:3). Excellent work! The other women with Lydia in Acts may have been employees and slaves. When he appears in this part of Acts, he is fresh from Athens, where he had a difficult time.Athens was no longer filled with intellectual giants as it once had been, but Paul met . Because ancient Philippi had no synagogue, the few Jews in that city gathered on the bank of the Krenides River for sabbath worship where they could use the water for ritual washings. I did a Bachelor of Christian Studies at Robert Menzies College Sydney. He tells his readers that he is "a Hebrew of Hebrews.". The church at Jerusalem began on Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the apostles ( Acts 2 ). He played a crucial role in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews) during the first century, and his missionary journeys took him all throughout the Roman empire. She was not afraid to set out on her own and make a successful company. God rerouted Paul and friends and also ensured that Lydia would be in the right place at the right time to encounter Paul and hear the good news of Jesus. There are several things I would like to point out about Lydia. All rights reserved. [13], Even though her name tells us nothing concrete, the fact that Lydia is named at all is significant. There Paul met Lydia, a Gentile who became the first Christian convert in Europe: "One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. A church was established in Philippi because of Lydias open heart and her open home, and it grew because of her patronage, her initiative, her courage, her ministry. Your research is much appreciated. Acts 16:15which begins with, When she and her household (ho oikos auts) were baptisedmakes it clear that it was her household. Divorce was easy under Roman law and it was common, and in most cases it did not result in any sense of scandal or stigma. Paul and his party may have spent several weeks staying with Lydia (cf. [4] Several first-century literary sources make it quite clear that many Diaspora Jewish communities actually preferred having their synagogues outside the city and near a body of water such as the proseuch at Philippi in Macedonia. Lee I. Levine, The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years, Second Edition (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014), 316. I hadnt thought of that before. As Paul and his company were speaking with these women, Lydia was listening ( Acts 16:14 ). (Paul writes of it 16 times in the letter) Perhaps theres a connection. When Paul spoke, her heart was opened. H. Zell (CC BY-SA 3.0) (Wikimedia), [16] Lydia persuades, or prevails upon, Paul to accept her hospitality. But its also possible to come and get a lot out of the sermon because you listen eagerly, expecting to hear something that is meaningful or new or challenging. Praise the Lord! Lydia was quick to perceive that what had been hers before her conversionhome, business and possessionsnow belonged to the Lord. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. First, Lydia most likely accrued a great deal of wealth from selling purple cloth. Priscilla: a woman co-founds the Church. Without financial support, sometimes large contributions, the early church and the current church could not survive and grow. Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day. One of those people was a woman named Lydia. Thank you so much for this great article. Still others are mentioned as being of independent means. Three days pass and "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb" (Matthew . Anyway, thats what I believe. Lydias life is significant to the Gospel in a number of ways. Also, her name is unknown. A Reexamination of the Purpurarii in Thyatira and Philippi, Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 62 (2017): 3-29. We can assume she also told business contacts, clients, and neighbours. The early Christian church there, supported by Lydia, may have influenced thousands of travelers over the years. I love you with the love of the Lord. Or you dont like the scripture passage that is being talked about. 4:11; Phlm. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. Lydia presumably told members of her household, who followed her lead and were baptised with her. Lydia, a successful business woman and homemaker, responded to Paul's gospel message, and her entire household became believers. Or a member of his household? Dorcas. And, the way I see it, there are lots of terms that describe salvation. Women such as Lydia were not at the margins in the first decades of the Jesus movement. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. Or you just dont care about the topic. Lydia later puts this wealth to good use by showing Paul and his companions hospitality and putting them up in her home. Convinced that he had to preach the gospel to the entire world, Paul visited important cities, following the commercial routes of the time. [17] Lydias house is most likely a domus. After all, even a woman's testimony in court would not be seen as valid. Wealthy Women in the Roman World and in the Church See Judges 8:26, Ezekiel 27:7 & 16, Jeremiah 10:9, Esther 1:6, and Revelation 18:11-17. The role of Pauline house churches in missionary activities seems to have been dictated by Paul's missionary philosophy. So Paul and his companions went outside the city to a river, where they thought they might find a place of prayer. Lydia was originally from Thyatira, a city famous for making purple dye. Lydias name was not an uncommon one, and it may not provide any real insight into her status or identity. 65581. I also have relevant Categories and Tags under the headings of each article that link to more articles. This is before Pauls departure. Very few businesswomen are mentioned in the New Testament. The relationship between Paul the Apostle and women is an important element in the theological debate about Christianity and women because Paul was the first writer to give ecclesiastical directives about the role of women in the Church. Second, after she and her entire family accepts Jesus Christ and are baptized, they invite Paul and Silas (a ministry companion of Pauls) into their home. There were a few who followed Jesus who came from the wealthy class. She was probably widowed or perhaps divorced. Someone asked me if Lydia could have been a purple-dyer rather than a purple-seller. How Do We Know What God's Best for Us Is? Read Acts 18:1-3. [16] There is no mention of a husband or a father in her story. (Corinth was on a narrow isthmus that connected southern Greece (the Peleponessus) with . [10] If it is an ethnic appellation it would indicate that at one time Lydia was a slave who had been freed. The first person to hear and respond to the Good News. The New Testament mentions several women who happen to appear in Pauls ministry, Lydia being one of them. Why is Lydia Important in the Bible Lydia's faith is apparent in her actions. William Tarn,Hellenistic Civilisation, ThirdEdition (New York, NY: World, 1952), 98. "Geographical movement from city to city, from region to region, and from province to province was a principal element of missionary work in the first century.". [5] Instead, the story continues with the statement, We sat down and began to talk with the women who had gathered.[6], In Acts 16:14a, we are given several pieces of information about Lydia. Does the Bible Say Anything about Dieting? 4:23-24). Paul's collection for the church in Jerusalem is also called diakonia (Acts 11:29; 12:25) and Paul often refers to himself as a diakonos (e.g., 1 Cor 3:5; 2 Cor 6:4). Whereas, the rich young ruler in Luke 18 doesnt receive an name. Women were patrons of synagogues other yarns were used in the Bible to us, Lord! 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Paul Burnett Obituary, Articles H